Today was my first full day in Tokyo. It was a long trip over, which was filled with four pretty bad movies (DaVinci Code, The Last Kiss, The Gaurdian and Little Miss Sunshine--oh wait that one was pretty good) and an absolutely terrifying landing--super heavy cross winds. I'm on the 31st floor of the hotel:

This is the Tokyo Metropolitain Government Building. You can see Mt. Fuji just to the left of it, but couldn't because of the light when I took this picture.
Today is a holiday, which is alwasy a nice way to start a business trip. Ken said it's coming of age day. Best I can tell it's a whole bunch of 21 year old women dressing up in kimonos and men wearning smart suits with hair done up more than the women (well the women had pretty fancy hair, but I guarentee some of those guys spent at least a half hour on their hair). The took over the lobby of our hotel this afternoon:

I took the afternoon and wander around. I was looking for a watch (I forgot mine) and ended up buying a fleece (because you know, I need another one of those) and a Tokyo guidebook (I actually do need that!). It's amazing how much Tokyo reminds me of Seoul....they have a lot in common, both large Asian cites of about 12million. But it's more the non-stop neon, and blinking and megaphones and noise and just pure endless insanity. It's ironic because when I was in Korea and I visited southern Japan (which is not Tokyo) I was amazed at how much Japan reminded of the US.

The author world food Japan describes Tokyo as "a
Mad Max-meets-
Blade Runner meaglopolis, a 24-hour neon cyclone that chases it own tail and spins ad infinitum with limitless human energy."

These pictures probably don't even do it justice, but for those of you who have been here or to Seoul, you know what I'm talking about. It's like New York on Animae steriods.

I love all the drink vending machines on
every street corner here, but I like this picture for the girl's hat. The funny this is it wasn't even that cold. It's a great hat though.
I'll try to keep this updated throughout the trip. I'll probably really only have interesting pictures to post after the weekend. Sounds like I'll be busy during the week. Keep tuned!
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