Sunday, December 03, 2006

Does it look like me?

So what do you think, does this avatar (learned a new word today!) look like me?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Love the glasses

Everyone makes fun of my glacier glasses. I love them. They were only $25 (compared to $90 for most) and they're the only one's that fit my really freaking flat face. I don't really care because I can't see them, but a lot of people stare at me. There is even one girl that almost won't climb with me because she is so embarassed by my glasses. When we climbed Mt. Rainier, I threw up most of the way up. There really isn't anything glamorous about mountain climbing unless you're Steve House or something, so ugly glasses are probably the least of my worries.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Slower than Molasses

Well I'm off to a slower start than I thought. If you are reading this it means I finally got my butt in gear and e-mailed this link to everyone. Chris and I moved into the house last weekend. We had these grand plans of cleaning it up before we moved in. We even had two weeks to do it! Instead the time flew by and we spent all our time cleaning the old house! Luckily it's stormy raining so it will keep us inside this weekend unpacking boxes and getting everything sorted out. I wanted to use this blog primarily to share pictures, so I'll stick some in now:

This is Tony and I on the ferry over to the Olympic Peninsula when the whole Riggs clan came out for a visit.

I've been needing to send this one out for a while but this is Chris and I at the top of Mount Rainer..really I know it looks pretty flat! There were two different people taking pictures and we were looking at two different cameras.

This is the Eden project in Cornwall, UK. I had to travel for another test in September. Mostly I slept because I was so worn out, but I did take a weekend to drive out here. I can really only describe it as Disneyworld for plant geeks (I know I'm a total dork). The place is super cool, check out their website

I'll keep posting more pictures...and figure out how to become a funnier writer in the meantime. For writing that will entertain you I would recommend my sister Diana's blog,

Thursday, August 31, 2006

My first blog

I've finally joined the rest of the world...sort of, I still don't have a cell phone. But maybe just maybe this will work better than me promising I will e-mail all of you. Not that my life is that interesting, but at least you can look at photos...hopefully.